There are two new handbags to look for in the Fall Winter 2017 Collection. First is the Replica Hermes Handbags, second is the new Cinhetic Bag. Both bags are recently introduced and look very modern.
Today we will be reviewing the Replica Hermes Handbags, but keep in mind that there is also a shoulder box bag version available. Now let’s dive into the details.
The vision of the Replica Hermes Handbags is to look boxy and futuristic. That vision has been achieved if you take a closer look at the design. The font and the structure used to craft the new ‘H’ logo in the center looks more like a robotic-symbol, something that’s made in the future.
The Replica Hermes Handbags is designed in square shape and a flap. To get into the interior, you will need to turn the ‘H’ lock. This bag is made from Mysore goatskin, which is a soft but durable leather. It’s the perfect choice for this bag, because it makes you feel comfortable and light when carrying this clutch.
The overall look of the Replica Handbags is elegant, minimalistic and ladylike. It matches to almost all of the styles in your wardrobe. Turn the ‘H’ lock to get into the interior. Inside you will find one small compartment to store all your evening accessories. And there is also a patch pocket to store other important stuff like credit cards and paper money. The interior is not very spacious, so the amount of essentials it can carry is also limited.